Four years ago this morning, we welcomed our fifth baby girl into our family. Her arrival had been much anticipated.
This was the first pregnancy we had used a midwife and were eager to have the home birth experience. But, when this pregnancy went 14 days past the due date, we were beginning to wonder if she would ever arrive.
At 6:30 am on August 31, after only 3 hrs of labor, we finally got to hold our adorable Elizabeth Aylee Jane. The home birth experience was wonderful and such a beautiful moment for Scott and I to have together.
She weighed 10 lbs 14 oz. and was 21 in long. The biggest baby I'd had, but worth all the work.
Aylee was a quiet and content baby. She was so laid back easy going and still is today. Her bubbly personality makes us all smile.
God has big plans for her and I know she'll do it with a huge smile on her face because that is how she does everything.
Happy Birthday to my now big girl Aylee Jane!!