Caymber, daughter #4, has had a painful week.
This was her Saturday.
She fell trying to build her own zip line. Do I need to mention we have a real zip line that dad put up years ago that she could have been playing on? Nah!
Obviously, it did not end well and we spent the afternoon in the ER to find out that she had sprained her thumb.
This was just the beginning of her fun!
On Monday, she went in to have her tonsils removed. This picture was taken before the surgery. You can see she had no idea what was to come. Even though we had tried to prepare her, her only thought was a week filled with ice cream and pudding.

We are on day four of her recovery. Things are going moderately well. It is a tough procedure to bounce back from. Because she can't speak, she has been writing down her requests. I told my girlfriend the other day that it was so pitiful because she can't talk, so she writes, but our "lefty" has to use her right hand because her left hand is hurt. But what makes it even more difficult, is that she can't spell very well either:) My girlfriend jokingly responded that the last part was a
pre-existing condition and insurance won't cover it! Ha!
I can't wait to see that smiling face again and hear her sweet voice.