She was there from the beginning. The first purchase we ever made as a couple. She was going to be practice for the future six. Adorable and cuddly, we were in love.
She was there, in the middle of all the other pups, laying calmly. How deceiving this was. After taking her home we learned what a free spirit she was.
She was there a few months later at our wedding. Well, not at the church, but waiting at home (chewing on everything she shouldn't) till we returned.
She was there to eat us out of house and home. She ate everything from birth control pills to sheet rock.
She was there as each girl was born. She never minded if a toddler pulled up on her as they learned to stand. She was patient as each learned she was not a horse to be ridden. She must have loved dress up, because she wore many costumes and bows over the years.
She was there on the front porch every time she ran away. This dog loved to run away. She was fast and could not be caught. She would not come back no matter how many times you called. But, give it ten minutes and she would be back on the front porch waiting for us to open the door and let her back in. Boy was this dog a pain some times.
She was there, surrounded by four teary eyed little girls, waiting for all of us to get to say good-bye.
She was there for thirteen years. Now she's gone. She will be missed.