Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Commercial Free?

I thought I was doing so well.

I thought I was raising them right.

Some moms want to keep their children from processed foods,
I just want them to be commercial free.

I don't have a soap box on watching commercials, I just find them annoying.

I thought I was consistently pushing mute when commercials came on.

But, I was wrong. Here is proof. Here is A singing the song to the Safe Auto commercial.

New philosophy: Commercials are annoying, unless performed by my adorable 2yr old.


  1. and to think Safe Auto probably spent millions on that add campaign, if only then knew the power of cute kids.

  2. I'm with G-I think you should offer your adorable kid for a hefty price to Safe Auto. Besides, they say your kids are supposed to earn their keep- right? Hey- I would buy their insurance!

  3. HAHAHA!
    I am obsessed with the mute button, as well. :-)
