The first quiet moment in over a month so I decided to sit down and catch up on the blogging world. After reading several of my regular stops, I found that old friend of mine. His name is Mr. Guilt. He shows up every time I don't take time to post. He doesn't care if I've been finding a cure for cancer or bringing world peace. He wants to know why I started something and haven't added to it since June 13Th. So here are a few excuses/reasons.
-The master bedroom was flooded. I remember the day it happened, it was the day after my last post. I know this because I watched our pretty blue pool and nice manicured lawn (see pics above) quickly turn into a swamp in just a matter of hours. As the water rose it came into the master bedroom and bath. At one point it measure about 2-3 inches. The clean up was extensive.
-VBS. Love it, but oh my how very busy it is.
-Recovering from VBS. We packed up and headed to the lake for the weekend. We also celebrated Macy's 9th b'day while we were there. She was so proud of her self because she learned to ski on one ski that weekend.
-Two parties in one week. The following week we spent putting the house in order, buying and preparing food, and all that goes into hosting two different parties in two days at your house. It is so awesome to have such amazing friends in our lives. Having them all over was such a treat for us.
-Time to leave for the lake again. The girls and I headed to the lake the next week and Scott met us a few days later. We were able to spend 8 days at the lake house this year for the Fourth of July. It was a much needed time of r and r.
-Baby showers and Slumber parties. I couldn't possibly list the number of slumber parties there have been in this house this summer. It is so nice to have the girls friends and cousins around. Watching them have fun in the pool is what summer is all about. Thank goodness for Netflix. The girls have thoroughly enjoyed the movies at each party. Between my kids and the cousins we have 6 summer birthday parties to throw. This keeps us partying all summer long. Then there are the baby showers I have been to, invited to, and thrown this summer, but I love every minute of it. I get to cuddle a newborn and not have to do all the midnight feedings. How could you go wrong with that?
-This week we are headed to the lake again. This time with my side of the family. This is a first for all of my siblings and my parents to be able to get away at the same time. I can't wait!
-Miscellaneous. I didn't mention that Scott had two root canals in one week, or that the stove top broke, or that the new puppy (who by the way should get a paragraph of her own for keeping me so busy) is now painted blue thanks to Piper (she applied a large amount of blue eyeshadow to her fur and not all of it will wash off).
Here you go Mr. Guilt. I don't know how other gals are blogging daily with such witty stories and adorable pics. I am busy treading water in life right now, trying to keep my head above water. No complaining. It's been a fun summer filled with lots of memory making time. It is not over yet. We still have a few more parties to throw here and movies to watch (hopefully, we are done with things breaking here for a while). So if I do not post for another month or two, rest assure that I will have a long list of excuses to ease the guilt.
I hope your summer is going well. Please send any suggestions on organizing one's time more efficiently. Just kidding. I don't have time to read it:)