My last post was November 15, 2010.
Ok, the "I'm busy" excuse will SO not work this time.
I am busy, but not that busy:)
Since it has been a while, I should update you on the girls, but I'll save that for future posts.
For today, I'll keep it short and share a funny Aylee story (who is now 5! or as she would tell you 5 and 1/2)
My recent conversation with her:
A: "Mom, I know how to speak Spanish!!!!"
Me: "Really? Show me."
A: "Same old, same old, what's up with you?"
At this point I tried to explain to her that all those words were English, but she was fully convinced that the saying that she has heard her older sister Sadey say a million times (rattled off at high rate of speed) sounded like Spanish to her and she was very proud of her self for learning this bilingual phrase.
Aylee keeps us laughing! I should probably be writing all the funny things that they say down somewhere...oh wait, that's what this blog is for.
So, what has been up with the squirly girls since 2010?
Same old, same old, what's up with you.
SO SO SO SO happy to see you back on here!! I check occasionally to see if you have posted...but I have to admit, I had given up hope! : ) My girls love looking at all the old posts...they do it quite often and talk about how different your girls look!! Can't wait to see new posts!! (HINT HINT)