Tuesday, August 25, 2009

12 Before Your 12 - Part 1

Last January, Scott and I were able to get away for a whole week, just the two of us, alone. This time really strengthened our relationship with each other and with the Lord. While on this trip God spoke to my heart. He showed me how there was only a year before B would turn 12, a very important turning point in a girls life. So many things change around the age of 12. He put it on my heart to plant some seeds in her heart that can carry her through these changes.

She has grown up learning God's word, but I wanted to find His truths that were specific to what the "future Bryce" would need to know. So, sitting in a hotel room in Phoenix, AZ I began to write. I titled it "12 before your 12". Starting in May, when she turned 11, we have spent 1 Saturday a month going over the truths that God laid on my heart to share with her.

Last Saturday, after going these truths, she said, "Mom, you should share this with other people." So here I am sharing this with you. I hope you find this as encouraging as she and I do. I'll start with Discussion Topic 1 and will post others over the next few weeks. Remember these are talking points. I share a truth and then she and I discuss it. I encourage you to do the same with your daughters.

Discussion Topic 1: Becoming a Woman of God

How does God define a woman of God?
How does she appear?
How does she act?
What are her does and don’ts?
Who are her role models?
Lets study Proverbs 31 and see how these verses relate to today's women?
Verse 10- “a wife of noble character, who can find?” The word noble means: distinguished; famous for her character not her talent or her dress or outward appearance.
“she is worth far more than rubies” Why rubies instead of diamonds? I read this on the Internet- “Large gem quality rubies can be more valuable than comparably sized diamonds and are certainly more rare.” In this world they want you to think that diamonds are the best, but this shows us that there are many diamonds but few rubies.
Verse 11 & 12: “her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.” “she brings him good, not harm, all the days of his life.” This is the job of the wife/helpmate. This may seem like a topic for when you’re engaged, but remember she can only be this to her husband if she has a noble character. This character is something that starts now and grows forever. I found this while researching the Internet for commentaries on Prov 31. "The mentality in our culture is to think nothing of giving our hearts to guy after guy, to learn to effortlessly flirt with any cute guy that comes along, and to act with very little discretion in numerous ways. Especially when it comes to our relationships with guys we don’t often seek to honor our husbands. We go for the short term pleasure rather then pleasing God and loving our husbands all the days of our life.
The concept of being faithful to one's husband is commonly applied to the married woman. However, in referring to "all the days of our lives", wouldn't it include our childhood, teen, and single adult years? How do we honor someone if we don’t know who they are?We can not expect that when we are married all our bad habits are going to disappear and we will instantly become godly wives and women. It does not work like that. We need to work towards honoring our husband; for it is not an instant thing and it is not something you only do while married. Above all we need to pursue godliness and seek to honor God above all else. May all that we do honor and glorify Him. " This was written by a young girl who is only 15-16. What amazing truth coming from someone who is in the "battle". It's easy as a mom to look back and say do or don't, but here is a young girl walking through it with such clarity.

Verses 13-15 talk about how she works. 1.she works eagerly 2.she does not take short cuts (she’ll go far to provide) 3. Not lazy (gets up early to meet the needs of others)
Verse 16 tells us that she is educated and that she is responsible with her money.
Verse 17 uses the word vigorously this means strong and energetic. The second part of the verse tells us that she is not weak. Nothing can stand in her way.
Verse 18 and 19 tell us that she stays up and continues to work.
Verse 20 talks about how she helps others.
Verse 19 through 24 tells how her outward appearance is clothed beautifully but not provocatively (because her husband is respected). Covered for all seasons.
These other verses have been talking about her appearance and her home, but now it turns to talking about her heart/ character.
Verse 25-27 “she is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue… does not eat the bread of idleness.” Verse 29 says “ many women do noble things,but you surpass them all” So outwardly she is: a eager worker, no shortcuts, not lazy, educated, responsible with money, strong energetic worker, helps the needy, dressed beautifully and has a wonderful home. Inwardly she: has dignity( conduct and speech showing self-respect), not fearful, she speaks with wisdom which only comes from scripture. Maya Angelou once wrote,”A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.”

Other discussion topics will be coming, but they will mean nothing if first you are not a woman of God.


  1. WOW, I love it! Honoring your husband before you even know him!! How great is this concept. I so wish I had these things taught to me when I was 11! Can I plagerize, I am going to copy and past this and break it out in 6 1/2 years when Alessondra is 11 years old. Better yet I think I will do this with my niece who is 10 years old! I have been praying about my role as her aunt....thank you for letting God use you to answer my prayers! Bryce and all of your girls are very blessed to have a God seeking mother!

  2. Sorry for the delay in responding and posting as my "job" has taken up so much of my free time, but i do really love it. Anyway, great post. God has made you instrumental in the opening of my eyes to political things and the way this country is heading. Also, love the new site- it looks amazing!
