Mother 24/7
There are no sick days.
You will be required to work nights and weekends.
Lots of on-the-job training.
There will be light cleaning (every minute!).
Negotiating skills are required.
Other skills needed are: love, grace, and patience.
This job requires you to be bi-lingual.
You must be able to speak each child's love language,
baby talk, and text in teen lingo.
You can never quit or retire.
You will be paid in priceless items, such as hugs and kisses and the occasional spontaneous "I love you."
This is the hardest job in the world,
full of stretch marks and embarrassing moments
in public, but...
This is the BEST job in the world,
where heroes and leaders are being formed.
Mother 24/7 moment from this past week:
I took the 3 little ones with me to a store. After being in line for 10 min. or so, I look down at little P to see a bunched up pair of panties hanging out of her shirt. No, she does not wear panties in public yet, still working on that. She had decided to put some on ( that is, around her waist, not through the legs) before we left. These panties were to big for her and were now hanging out the bottom of her shirt. It was so noticeable and you could tell that it was undies. I wish I could insert a pic here so you could see how funny it looked. So, what did I do? I laughed, tucked them into her pants, and waited till we got to the car to take them off of her.
I am proud to be a Mother 24/7 x 6.
Do you have any stories that prove your job title is Mother 24/7? Please share.