Yesterday, we took Caymber, who is five, in to get tubes put in her ears. She has struggled the last few years with ear infections, and the pediatrician had mentioned doing this before, but I would just say no. I know when I was growing up, it seemed like they wanted to take out every one's tonsils, and now they've changed their minds and say it should only be done as a last resort. Having tubes in your ears seemed a little like that to me. Was this just another trendy procedure? Well, after a month and a half now of Caymber being on antibiotics and nothing helping her double ear infection, I knew I had to get over my stigma and contemplate the procedure. It has been hard on her. She had not slept all the way through the night with out waking up crying from her ears in over a month. She had started talking loud and certain pitches of sound would make her throw her hands up over her ears. So, after discussing her case with an ear specialist ,we set the date for Tuesday. We told Caymber what was going to happen and she counted down the days, literally. As we led up to the surgery, my big worry was that she would not want to be separated from her parents. Anyone who knows Caymber, knows that she wants to be right by my side. I prayed hard everyday that God would help her to not be afraid as they took her away. At the same time, I tried to plan out how I could help her let go. Little did I know how great she was going to do. As we waited for the nurses to come and get her she was playing around and in a great mood. She had no fear. Then when the nurses came and asked her is she wanted to go for a ride, she told them she would and left with a smile. The picture above shows it all. All the worrying and fear that I had, and all the planning on how I could help her through this was useless, because God had taken away any fear and sadness. I was amazed! For a little girl who struggles being in new places with new faces, I could see that this kind of response from her was definitely the work of the Lord.
The procedure went well, and even though her morning was rough trying to recover, by last night she was up and playing with her sisters. Last night was the first night in almost two months that she has slept through the night. I am so glad we went ahead with the tubes. I am so thankful for my mom coming up there yesterday. I will never again underestimate how much it means to others when you come and just sit with them during their hard time. I am thankful for friends who prayed for her healing and my peace. God heard you and He answered in a miraculous way. I am thankful for nurses who know how to be gentle with children who are hurting. I am thankful for a God who listens to the "big" prayers and the "small" prayers and answers them both. And I am thankful that He is holding each one of my little ones in the palm of His hand.
Praying for her recovery. This took me back to the day one of ours had to have this done too. He was our shy (incredibly shy) child. He had 30% hearing loss in both ears. (I discovered while homeschooling he was reading my lips instead of hearing the sounds.) About 2 months after the surgery he was a different child. I think not hearing affected him in everything he did. IT is a joy as a parent to watch God bring peace in these circumstances. And to parents as we watch them roll away:DDD