Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a God Thing

"It's a God thing." This is a phrase that can be used somewhat casually these days. We see miraculous things happen, but never really stop and think about how God was in control every step of the way. If we did, we would get goose bumps every time. We would fall down on our face and worship Him. That is all we can do when we REALLY see the hand of God. That is all I could do today when I got a phone call from Scott that one of our bank cards had been stolen. Ok, let me back up and tell the whole story. About a month and a half ago, Scott said he wanted to pull our savings out of the bank and into an annuity. He sent the money to the new account, but the account was set up wrong.When he received a letter confirming they had received our check, he noticed they had set us up in the wrong account. Knowing how the market has done nothing but fall, Scott was in a panic to pull our money and get it into the right account. God had bigger plans. In the two or three days of the mix up, the market rose and we gained money. We could not believe it. But, God did not stop there. As I said above, today we found out our card had been stolen and our account drained. They only got away with a couple hundred, instead of all our savings. So, you can see how I could do nothing but fall on my knees and thank Him. He saw the whole picture. He cares for us, even when it seems like all is lost. I had to scream this from the roof tops. Well, maybe I will just blog about it, that's close enough. I hope you can see God moving and providing in your life. When He does don't be casual, BE RADICAL!

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