Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Short Story

After waking up from their afternoon naps, my two munchkins crawled up on the kitchen counter to watch me cut up a bannana for their snack. As Piper sat their in her groggy and a tad cross way she said, "Mom I I I I I want...". Did I mention she is two. Anyone who has or had a two year old knows it sometimes take them a week to say one sentence. This went on for what seemed like five minutes. Then the sentence ended like this, " I want a doughnut." Sister Aylee responded with this, "You can say that again!" My first thought was "No!! She can't!! It would take too long!" Little ones say the funniest things.


  1. Have more children please!! Your girls are so adorable! I love picturing her trying to get the whole sentence out. Precious!!
