Friday, May 7, 2010

Momisms for Mom's Day

Inspired by Mother's Day, I am going to share some of my momisms.

You know, those phrases you repeat at least 100 times a day.

The phrases your kids use when doing their impression of you.

I can not take credit for coming up with everyone of these.

Some have been passed down from generations.

But these are the ones that my squirls get to hear most often:

"Don't say 'I can't'. That means 'I won't'. I want you to try."
"Close the door! Were you born in a barn?"
"When do we obey? Right now. Obedience is immediate."
"It's not clean until I say it's clean."
"Buddy up"
"Muster up"
"This is not a negotiation"
"Dessert is something you earn"
In case you haven't had enough momisms, I am adding this video that I know many of you have seen but it never gets old.

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