Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Perfect World

In a perfect world...

-I wouldn't have to tell my 2yr old to stop spitting on daddy's laptop.

-I would never have a cross or screaming kid in public.

-Laundry would fold itself instead of lying on the floor, mocking me, reminding me that one more job needs to be done.

-My third grader would work without daydreaming or talking. I would not have to remind her again to be diligent.

-All 12 little hands would pick up after themselves.

-The appliances in our house would never break causing more work for everyone.

-There would be more time with my hubby.

-I would get more sleep.

-I would not feel the Holy Spirit reminding me to be more patient.

-Homeschooling would be easy.

-Watching the news would not give me nightmares about my children's future.

-I would be a more creative writer instead of using this blog as therapy.

-My little ones would not be fighting right now (have to pause to make #4,and 5 let #6 in to the playroom).

-The before mentioned playroom would not have so many toys out that it looks like all the toy boxes thew up while no one was watching.

-My house, car, backyard, and garage would always be clean and orderly.

In a perfect world like this I would not call on my Savior each morning to help me with the day to come. I would not ask Him to help me know my children's hearts and how to train them to love Him and others. I would not thank Him when Scott and I get to steal a moment together. I would not have anything to do and would be miserably bored. So I think I'll let my perfect world look like this...

-God what do you want me to do today?

-How do you want me to train/teach?

-Thank you for all that I have to do today. Thank you for the messes that will keep me from being bored.

-Thank you for the Holy Spirit that strengthens me all day long.

What does your perfect world look like?

1 comment:

  1. My perfect world is very much like yours!
    Only 16 little hands. Of course whether it is 12 or 16 does it really matter...a mess is a mess.
