Monday, February 22, 2010

That's Why God Made M & M's

Because of this post:

Which led me to this post: Wow that link is long!

Which caused me to laugh out loud and almost pee my pants.

I had to follow up on these two posts by telling how I survive.

"Survive?" You ask. "Survive what?"

Those days when I have to constantly remind my older girls that the definition of homeschooling is not "mom sits beside me and does every question with me." I spend 50% of the time teaching them subjects ranging from math to science and 50% of the time teaching them to be diligent w/o someone watching over their shoulder.

Then there is the hourly tearful break down of my little ones. To bad God didn't make sharing as natural to them as breathing ( or as natural as screaming comes to them).

There is the laundry marathons that happen several times a month. They come after days of being to swamped to even walk into the laundry room. So, then comes the catch up. Trying to get it all done in one day or we'll be naked.

Last week was so rough, I told my sister that I had thought about quitting my job. She said the problem was that I work with a whole bunch of immature people:)

So why homeschool? It is like anything else in life. It is hard! Like the other post talked about, if you see someone who you think has it all together, think again. Life is hard no matter what your daily grind is. But.....

Think about it.
M & M's make life nicer. Your child will do whatever you want them to do if you promise an M &M. These tiny candies are small enough that eating five or ten of them won't make you feel guilty. They are so special that people sprinkle them on other deserts like cakes or ice cream.
Life is not going to get any easier. No matter how many kids you have. No matter if your kids are grown and gone. No matter if you homeschool or not. But just like Mary Poppins said, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down." So sit down with a handful of M & M's and realize that everyone is roughing it. Everyone is running the race. Don't believe the lie that others are handling this crazy life better than you. When you feel yourself being fooled into looking at others, STOP, and look at your own life. Pray that you can see it the way God sees it. START counting your blessing, those things all around you that make your life beautiful and precious. I can count six blessings off the top of my head. How about you?


  1. You are right M&M's do make the world a more sweeter place. There are many reasons that I am grateful I was not a pioneer; no M&M's is another one.

  2. Great post! I agree wholeheartedly!
    Except I'm pretty sure at this point in my life it takes more than a handful. Do I hear it for the whole bag?
    The 5 pounder?
