Monday, November 15, 2010
One Busy Momma
This fall has been so full. Full of fun with friends, schooling, and field trips. We have four in school this year and that keeps me hopping.
Bryce is in the 7th grade now. She has grown into such a beautiful young woman. She has a heart to teach. She often helps me here at home, but she has a new opportunity doing a Bible story and craft project every Wednesday with the children she babysits. She spends the whole week preparing the lesson, pictures and craft pieces so that they will be filled with truth. I love to see her passion for their little hearts.
Sadey is in the 6th grade this year. She is still our comedian. There is never a dull moment with her around. She has a love for animals that I cannot comprehend. She has been spending time trying to train our new little puppy so that I won't change my mind on keeping her (the puppy that is. What was I thinking saying yes to another dog?) Sadey has also been doing some volunteer work at a horse ranch near us. The ranch uses horses to work with mentally challenged children. Her time there, while brief, has been wonderful. I could totally see her running a place like it some day, where she could work with children and animals.
Macy, our 4th grader, is growing up to fast, at least for me. What a difference there has been from third to fourth grade. Because Bryce and Sadey have started babysitting occasionally for other families, Macy has been able to step in and be the oldest in the home. I love to see how my kiddos react when they are given an opportunity to be more mature. Even this week, she had deemed herself my nurse and has been busy taking care of me and keeping Piper busy and off my lap. Her heart to help others is always teaching me how to be more thoughtful.
This year is Caymber's first year of school. We did pre-k with her last year, but she had little interest in any of it. This year she loves it. She is reading and writing well. I love that God and Scott provide so that I can be there for these moments when they are learning new things. She has even begun to come out her shell a bit. Her shy nature is still there, but she is beginning to want to have playtime with friends. That is a huge step for her.
Aylee and Piper are still our little munchkins. I know, they are 3 and 4 now, and not so little anymore, but I'm choosing not to focus on that (Ha!). They are like two little rolly pollies. They play together and laugh together. They are each others favorite toy and best friend. I love watching them together. I am not completely blinded to them growing up. They have begun to have their own little chores around the house. Let me say there is nothing cuter than a little one mopping.
These are my six squirls that keep me hopping. Life is so full and busy right now, but I'm soaking it up. Can't wait to see what 2011 will bring. *hopefully more time to blog again :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hard to Believe She's Four
Monday, August 2, 2010
They're Back!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010
These are a few of my favortie things...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Something New
Here it is
Before this, we had a glass cook top. While it was beautiful, it was not functional. First of all it sits just under the microwave so things were always dropping out and landing on the glass. Second, I was constantly worried about my little ones reaching up and puting their hands on the glass thinking it was the counter.
Several weeks ago, one of the girls dropped something out of the microwave onto the glass top, and it broke into pieces. So when we went to Lowe's to find a new one, I was thrilled when I found this. My little ones cannot reach the burners on this unit and it is stainless steel.
I'd like to see them try to break this one. No, really, I don't. I think Scott has had enough practice this summer being Mr. Fix It. Hopefully, he will get a break and everything will stay intact in this house full of six little people saying "oops".
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Creative Entertainment
I got a little creative and snapped a couple of shots in black and white. I love black and white pics. I think it totally changes the feeling of the picture.
I got the butcher paper from Sams and it is does not cost much.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Our Fun Tuesday
Ok, so this part of yesterday was out of the ordinary. Scott and I left Bryce and Sadey at home to babysit while we ran my car in to get worked on. In an attempt to entertain the little ones, Bryce got the play makeup out and did some makeovers. This is what we found when we came home.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Here's to you Mr. Guilt
-The master bedroom was flooded. I remember the day it happened, it was the day after my last post. I know this because I watched our pretty blue pool and nice manicured lawn (see pics above) quickly turn into a swamp in just a matter of hours. As the water rose it came into the master bedroom and bath. At one point it measure about 2-3 inches. The clean up was extensive.
-VBS. Love it, but oh my how very busy it is.
-Recovering from VBS. We packed up and headed to the lake for the weekend. We also celebrated Macy's 9th b'day while we were there. She was so proud of her self because she learned to ski on one ski that weekend.
-Two parties in one week. The following week we spent putting the house in order, buying and preparing food, and all that goes into hosting two different parties in two days at your house. It is so awesome to have such amazing friends in our lives. Having them all over was such a treat for us.
-Time to leave for the lake again. The girls and I headed to the lake the next week and Scott met us a few days later. We were able to spend 8 days at the lake house this year for the Fourth of July. It was a much needed time of r and r.
-Baby showers and Slumber parties. I couldn't possibly list the number of slumber parties there have been in this house this summer. It is so nice to have the girls friends and cousins around. Watching them have fun in the pool is what summer is all about. Thank goodness for Netflix. The girls have thoroughly enjoyed the movies at each party. Between my kids and the cousins we have 6 summer birthday parties to throw. This keeps us partying all summer long. Then there are the baby showers I have been to, invited to, and thrown this summer, but I love every minute of it. I get to cuddle a newborn and not have to do all the midnight feedings. How could you go wrong with that?
-This week we are headed to the lake again. This time with my side of the family. This is a first for all of my siblings and my parents to be able to get away at the same time. I can't wait!
-Miscellaneous. I didn't mention that Scott had two root canals in one week, or that the stove top broke, or that the new puppy (who by the way should get a paragraph of her own for keeping me so busy) is now painted blue thanks to Piper (she applied a large amount of blue eyeshadow to her fur and not all of it will wash off).
Here you go Mr. Guilt. I don't know how other gals are blogging daily with such witty stories and adorable pics. I am busy treading water in life right now, trying to keep my head above water. No complaining. It's been a fun summer filled with lots of memory making time. It is not over yet. We still have a few more parties to throw here and movies to watch (hopefully, we are done with things breaking here for a while). So if I do not post for another month or two, rest assure that I will have a long list of excuses to ease the guilt.
I hope your summer is going well. Please send any suggestions on organizing one's time more efficiently. Just kidding. I don't have time to read it:)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Mornings With the Pup
Piper and Mommy take puppy out to potty.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Aylee and Piper Swimming
I can't believe it! My two littlest ones are swimming, without mommy and daddy helping.
Mom couldn't believe it either and so I took this video for her to see.
Why is it the little ones want to grow up so fast?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Now What?
Each day, I spent time with the Lord asking Him for truth. Truth that I may not see or hear when I am at home with six little distractions. The last vacation Scott and I had, God so filled my heart with truth. I came home refreshed and challenged in several areas that I knew God had shown me direction in. But, each morning this week I asked for truth but was still waiting for it. Not that God's word is not full of truth, but as my mom calls it, I wanted the "meat" of the word, not just the "milk" of the word.
As I sat with Him this morning, I thought back on this week. I thought about how different I am on vacation. Every time Scott and I go away, I make it a point to exercise every morning. I ate better this week. I had a quiet time every morning. I never lost my temper or spoke in a harsh way. That is when God spoke to my heart, "Now that vacation is over, now what?" Do I just go back to doing all those things that are wrong just because I am not in the "garden of eden" any more? Again He spoke to me. He showed me how I have an idol in my life. My idol is stress.
Stress must be my idol. Look how I sacrifice to it. I do not do what I know I am supposed to do because I am stressed. Sometimes I choose to do wrong to relieve my stress. Yes, life is busy and full of opportunities for stress with six kids (or with one kid for that matter), but they are not the cause of my stress. My stress comes from not asking God what He wants my day to have in it, or from taking my focus off of Him and eternal issues and focusing on the present. Sure following Him here in the "garden" has been easy. We all need a time to be refreshed, but I know that He gave me meat this week so that I would be filled for the journey He has for me at home.
I sat there and thought about the sacrifices I make in name of stress. Then I thought about what sacrifices I could make in order to continue this "garden" relationship with Him. This is the list of things that I want to work on for the year. I want to look back next summer and see how I spent my time with Him and no other. One of the books I read this week, related it to marriage, in that I do not want to "cheat" on God. I want Him to have my whole heart just as Scott does. I know this will only come with an eternal perspective.
Here is my challenge to myself: Go home, remember all that God spoke to your heart this week, remember how He opened your eyes to many areas of your life, and live each day challenged to stay completely in love with Him.
Two of the books that I read this week, and would highly recommend, are:
How People Change
by Paul Tripp
(this is a book I will read over and over it is that good)
The Practice of the Presence of God
by brother Lawrence
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Love Message to my Girls (4)
Your last day of vacation.
I have loved hearing all the fun things you've got to do with Meme.
I miss you all so much and can't wait to squeeze you.
Not that being away makes me realize how wonderful you girls are, but it does open up the eyes of my heart to pieces of you that I might be to busy to notice, as often as I should, at home.
Bryce and Sadey: You have grown up so much over the last year. There was such maturity in your voices each time I talked to you this week. I love that you consider it a joy, not a burden, to play little mamas. You have shown such gentleness, not bossiness, to the little ones this week. I am so grateful for the sweet spirit you share with others.
Macy: You were so brave when mommy and daddy were leaving so that Caymber would not see you and be more upset. You too are growing up into a thoughtful young lady. I know your joyful spirit helped cheer up the little ones several times this week. You are so helpful.
Caymber: I heard how you worked hard this week to practice obedience. In the car, outside, and even at bath time, meme told me that you followed exactly what she said. I am so proud of how grown up you are becoming. You have such a loving spirit. I know that as you grow up you will help lead your little sissies to do the right thing.
Aylee, Piper, and all of you: I miss you. I can't wait to see you and snuggle you. Have fun today. I love you!!!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Love Message to my Girls (3)
Well the vacation is half over. I hope you all are having fun. Mommy and Daddy are. It has been a very relaxing time. We went to see a movie last night, and that was fun. Today mommy and meme went and played golf with daddy and papa. It was a beautiful course just at the base of the mountains. I took lots of pictures so you could see how pretty it was. We saw a bunny and a roadrunner and papa even saw a snake. We also got to see the home of two celebrities who live on the course. I took some pictures of that too so you'll see it when we get home.
I heard there was more bad weather there today. I hope everything is ok. Hopefully you will not have anymore for the rest of the week so you can play outside each day.
I was so proud of how good you babysat the other day. You older girls are such good helpers.
I can't wait to hear what you bought at the store. Be sure to tell meme a big thank you.
I miss you and can't wait to hold you all again. Enjoy the last part of your vacation and I will see you in a couple of days.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Love Message to my Girls (2)
I hope you are having fun at Meme's today.
Mommy and Daddy are going golfing today. The weather here is so nice. Just a gentle breeze and in about the 80's. I think daddy is going to play golf every day:) He said the course he was on yesterday had so many bunny rabbits running around. You all would have loved it. There is a cute little mommy duck and daddy duck that keeps coming up on the porch at Meme's room. They are looking for food. Meme took some pictures to show you when we get back. I wish I could bring back some of the strawberries they have here. They are so sweet it is like having a peace of candy. I know how much you all love strawberries, especially Macy. You would be eating these for every meal. All the fruit and veggies here taste so good because they are so fresh.
I was so glad to hear how much fun you all were having. I know you are showing Meme and Papa your sweet spirits. Don't wish for home so much that you miss all the fun this week. Soak up your time away with them. I will write you again tomorrow. We love you and miss you.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Monday, May 17, 2010
Love Message to my Girls (1)
To my, if any, regular readers you will have to excuse me the next few days. I told my girls I would send them a message each day while we were gone, but we cannot email from here. So, I am using this site to send love messages to my girls. Thank you for stopping by and come back when I am backing to real blogging.
Hi girls!! I hope you all are having a great time at Meme's! We are having fun here. Daddy played golf today and mommy and meme got to sit by the pool. It is very pretty here. We are going to go shopping tonight, so maybe we will find a suprise for everyone. Sorry I haven't been able to upload a video message for you to see, but I will write to you each day. We miss you all and can't wait to see you. I am sending you lots of hugs and kisses! I hope you get lots of spoiling time with meme. See you soon.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Friday, May 7, 2010
Momisms for Mom's Day
You know, those phrases you repeat at least 100 times a day.
The phrases your kids use when doing their impression of you.
I can not take credit for coming up with everyone of these.
Some have been passed down from generations.
But these are the ones that my squirls get to hear most often:
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday Character
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What a Day!
This was one of those days.
With Bryce's twelfth birthday only two weeks away, we decided to let her get her ears pierced today.
She was a little nervous, but did great. Oh, how grown up she looks.
This birthday is a big milestone in our house. Not only do you get earrings, but you get to start wearing make up too.
So, off we went to the Clinique counter at the mall for a professional makeover by the makeup artist. The lady that helped us did a wonderful job of giving Bryce a natural look.
I had so much fun shopping with her today. I have waited along time to get to do some of these older things with her. I can't believe the time is here, but I am loving every minute of it.
This is just beginning. I see many mall trips in our future.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A picture that is worth a thousand words!

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday Character
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Product Review

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday
In late August of 2001, we invited all our family members to come to church with us on Sunday morning to dedicate our new little bundle, daughter number 3. Scott's grandmother had passed away just a couple of weeks before and this was an opportunity for us all to get together and have a joyful moment celebrating life. Matching dresses were bought and lunch plans were made for after the service. It was supposed to be a good day. Bryce, our oldest, woke up that morning not feeling well. I passed it off and we went on as scheduled. As we sat in the service, she became weaker and more pale. Near the end of the sermon, as it came time for Scott and I to take the girls down front, we noticed that little Bryce's lips were looking blue. A normal person would have stopped here and taken their daughter in, but we were thinking of all the family who had come to see us. The pictures that were taken that day of the dedication show a pitiful little girl who felt miserable. Being just three at the time, she couldn't express just how bad she felt.
After church, we all headed to the restaurant, but on the drive over, Scott and I could see that we had to take her to the doctor immediately. An hour later we were sitting in the pediatrician's office trying to get some answers. He told us that she probably had pneumonia and he gave her a breathing treatment. It totally turned her around. She had color back in her face and was ready to go.
Months went by and then another episode. We took her to the pediatrician and this time he said it was asthma. No medications were given, just another breathing treatment in the office. Each time this would turn her around. This continued on for almost 4 years. I'll admit, I should have asked more questions about keeping this from happening, but the doctor and nurses weren't offering any information on preventing attacks and I was busier and busier as each baby came. In October of 2006, Bryce was spending the day at her grandma's. Meme had called and said that Bryce wasn't feeling well and was very tired. She told her to lay down on the couch and rest while she was busy around the house. After about an hour of resting, she walked through the room and saw that Bryce's lips were blue and she was very pale. She went over and bent down next to her and asked how she was doing. All Bryce could whisper was, "I'm scared." Immediately my mother-in-law called me and I rushed Bryce to the pediatricians. She was so week I had to use a wheel chair to get her up to the office. Her oxygen levels were so low, that they automatically started her on oxygen and began talking about admitting her in the hospital. The rest of that day was a whirlwind. We did not admit her because the oxygen and breathing treatments helped open her airway again. That day Scott and I decided we needed to check into an asthma specialist before it got worse, if that was even possible.
We saw an asthma specialist in November of '06 and they started her on an assortment of medicines. Since then, she has not had a full out asthma attack. The medicines help to ward off any triggers, and we have learned the steps to take before it gets to bad. Over the last 2 weeks Bryce has begun feeling poorly again. We tried the steps we knew, called the doctor and tried other steps, but things were not getting better, not worse, but not better. So yesterday I took her back into the specialist. They changed some of her medications and said she should feel better by Friday. As I sat there discussing her case with the specialist, we talked about how far Bryce has come. She still takes medicines daily, but they are all the lowest dosages. She had no trouble with her asthma in the fall and only one incident so far this spring. This is leaps and bounds from where we started out.
As we drove home, I poured out in my heart how thankful I was. I had missed how far God had taken my little girl. He had carried her in His loving hands in those dangerous moments and He had carried her through to where now she can live her life attack free for the most part. This is my thankfulness for the last week. I am so thankful that God keeps working even if my attention is not on the fact that He is there answering my prayers. I am so glad that He loves and takes care of my babies. Bryce has already started to feel better after just 24 hrs on the new medicines. God is good -- all the time -- God is good!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Pics
To all the moms out there that get adorable pics of their kids on Easter, I say "How do you do it?" I try, but this is the one day of the year that it doesn't work. Of course, my older ones are pros, but the little ones just can't sit still on a day that has been filled with this much sugar. At least we got our matching dresses. I was so excited to find some. I think this is our last year. The older girls are starting to outgrow this, but I took one last opportunity to see them all match.
We went to the Saturday night service at church. Finding a pew to seat 8 on Easter morning has proven in the past to be impossible. After church, since no one had to get up early, we had a bonfire out back. Such a fun time. I could get used to going on Saturday nights, if I could just talk all of our friends into doing the same so we could still see everyone.