Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Represented by the Best
Want to know who is representing our nation? Check this out.
The Pox Attack
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thanks Baby
"Thank you Honey!"
These are words that I say multiple times a day because my hubby is so sweet. His thoughtfulness is amazing. He is so helpful. He even matches socks for me, since I find this to be the most AWFUL job on the planet.
This month marks our thirteenth year of marriage and I love every minute we get together. With six kiddos there might not be very many quiet moments, and the to-do-list is never ending, but as long as we're side-by-side we're happy.
Every year my sweety gets me a Precious Moments figurine. This year he got the one titled, "They will know us by our love." Oh how I hope this is true! I love this man with all my heart.
So, "Thank you, Honey!" for EVERYTHING.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Blizzard '09
* A covering of thick white snow out my window.
* Waffles, cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon for breakfast.
* The smell of homemade soup for "linner".
* Two little girls, who slept in rollers, now look like little Cindy Lu Who.
* Tons of toys for everyone to play with, and tons of new movies for mom and dad to enjoy.
* There is sledding to be done and hot cocoa to be had.
Thank you blizzard of '09 for slowing everything down so I can enjoy every moment!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Proud Moment
Last night, again daddy wrapped his arms around her, baptised her, and announced to the church that Macy was the newest member of this family of believers. Tears were falling as I watched and thought of the similarities. Our little gift from God was now choosing to be used by Him in every way. I can not think of a more proud moment.
A while back God gave me this verse. It is my prayer for the girls.
Eph. 3:14-19 "For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, my have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Remember Them
What can we do to support these amazing individuals?
1) There are many organizations accepting donations for the troops. It's just everyday stuff like toothbrushes, cds, and tissues that they want.
2) We also need to be informed and involved. Find out who your elected officials are and what they stand for. Write emails to your Senators and Congressmen letting them know how you want them to vote. Remember, they represent you, so tell them how you feel.
3) Pray. Pray for the soldiers. Pray for their families. Pray for the witness they can be to others around them. Pray for the natives of those countries and that their hearts would be turned to Christ.
4) And, as my friend said to me the other day, "If you want a godly nation filled with those whose hearts are turned to Christ, witness to your neighbor." I was so moved by this. Being active is great, but God's work in the hearts of those around me will be what brings about real and lasting change in our nation. What better time to talk to your neighbors, or a cashier, or the mailman, or anyone about Christ than at Christmas time?
I am so thankful for the freedoms that our family enjoys and grateful to the men and women who sacrifice it all to make those freedoms possible.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas Decorating
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I hope you did too. Ours was somewhat a "redneck" thanksgiving. We took our guns out to Scott's aunt's farm and shot skeet. It was so much fun. My aim wasn't bad. I told Scott that I thought I could defend myself if someone broke in just as long as the bad guy stood really still for about 5 min. while I got my aim just right:) Oh well, maybe I'll rely on the dog and house alarm instead.
It was so nice to take 3 days off school last week, but very hard to get back to the routine this week. Remember how I wrote a while back about my little ones spending one night in our room while they were sick and thinking that was the new way we would do things? Well, my older girls can be that way with school too. I guess we are all like that. The lighter load is much more preferable. But, tomorrow is Wednesday and we should be back into full swing by then.
There have been so many "training opportunities" around here for our kiddos lately that blogging has had to move to the back burner. This is the stage of life we are at. They are our eternal work so I must put them first. It seems that in our house their are highs and lows. There are moments of peace and love, and then there are moments of training and love. We are definitely in a training phase. I don't dread these times because this is when I can really see their hearts. So, if I don't blog for a while it is just because I am busy trying to mold 6 little hearts so that they will follow Him.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It's on every one's mind.
But, how do we stay truly thankful during all the hustle and bustle?
Last night our pastor shared on this and it was so good I had to pass it on to you.
In Luke 17 you can read the story of the ten lepers. These ten men approached Jesus as He was heading to Jerusalem and begged to be healed. Jesus sent them to the priest and the scripture says that "as they went, they were healed." Only one of the men, after seeing he was healed, returned to thank Jesus. In verse 19 Jesus says, "Get up, go your way, your faith has made you well."
While all the men were healed, only this man was made well.
What does this tell us? It shows us that thankfulness is healing to our soul.
During this Thanksgiving holiday we should lay our offenses down and share with those around us how thankful we are for them.
How do we provoke ourselves to thankfulness?
*it starts with a heart of thanking God
*you stop looking at what others are doing wrong and choose to look at the good in their hearts
*Ask God to help you be sensitive to others
*become more focused on people rather than projects
*make a list of things that others have done that blessed you and then respond to those things
Now that you have your mind and heart in the right place, set a goal to formally thank someone, daily!
How can we express our gratitude?
*be specific
*write it down
*call them
*ask others if you can pray with them and through prayer express thankfulness for that person and what they do
As Christians we have all been healed. It is time to be thankful and through that bring healing to our souls and to those around us.
Challenge: Who will you show an attitude of gratitude to today?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Family Pics Can Be Fun!
*Disclaimer: Tiffany Gardner has not given me anything to say this. I am simply overwhelmed at her talent and the sweet nature she has shown our family. If you would like to have a wonderful family pic experience than please contact her at tiffanygardner@me.com .
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Taking a Peak into Their Hearts
From the back seat I heard S say to her friend, " This is my mom's song to my dad. She absolutely adores him."
I almost teared up. I do absolutely adore him. I want them to know that and be sure of it to their very core.
Our marriage is not perfect. We are not perfect. But, we do want to show unconditional love, God's love, to our girls. What better way to show that than in our own relationship.
It is in these moments, like the car, that God lets me get a peak into their hearts.
Wow! I have been soaring ever since!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere
Down the sidewalk,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Sunday Funny
We had a Sunday School gathering to go to this last weekend. After church, all of our class and their kiddos, gathered together for a pizza picnic at the church park. Things were going so well. The same children who come out of their classes every other Sunday threatening to eat me if I don't quickly present something edible, were patient while waiting for their food and drink. They ate, we visited, and all was smooth.
I was getting to comfortable. I let my guard down.
After they ate, they ran off to play with all the other munchkins their age. They were playing so nice and having a ball, and that is when it happened. Right as I was relaxing and visiting with all the ladies. Just as Scott was cracking a joke to his buddies. Right in plain view where everyone could see it, Piper (who is 2) pulls down her panties, squats, and pees!!
I know that in the last post I said she was not wearing panties in public, but we decided to bite the bullet, bring extra clothes, and give it a try on Sunday. I guess we weren't thinking about the lunch plans.
When I saw what she was doing, I made a mad dash across the field to snatch her up, but it was to late. She was done. Of course, everyone could see what had happened. Was I embarrassed? Nope! She's #6! This is not my first pee story. I just told them all that I was glad she had pulled down her panties first. I can't wait till she is older and I can make her blush with this story.
Other than that, no one took their clothes off (another common occurrence with my little ones), got lost, or lost their temper. Overall, I'd say it was a good day. At least it was pee and not, well you know. Just another day, with another story from a mom with 6.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mother 24/7
Sunday, October 18, 2009
12 Before Your 12 - Part 2
Friday, October 16, 2009
Boomer! Sooner!
Remember this?
In this house we're Sooner born and Sooner bred!
On this OU/Texas weekend there is only one thing to say,
Texas joke of the day:
How do you keep a Texan out of your front yard?
Paint a goal line on it!
Disclaimer One: The above joke excludes all Texans who root for OU!
Disclaimer Two: Scott says it is wrong to hate except if you are hating Texas:)
The Flu of '09
But, if I end the story here, you'd miss all the details, like:
Why is it that letting three little ones make a pallet in your room one night translates to them that this is the new norm and they should expect to do this forever?
I have been to Walgreen's four times in four days. Confession: I did go with a Tylenol stain down the front of my shirt and was wearing my slippers. I'll admit there were a few looks.
Our new washer came on Wednesday. It came just in time. Every blanket, pillow case, and towel needed to be sanitized. #5 was so disappointed that it was not pink. In her world everything has to be pink.
Through a friend who is a PA ( and she has a great blog at http://mommysondra.blogspot.com/) I found out about Sambucol. It is a natural immune builder. You can get it at Walgreen's near the Zicam and Airborn. The kids like the taste of it. I started them all on this immediately and I think it shortened their illness.
I had a chance to practice relaxing this week. No, not the kind where you curl up with a good book. It's the kind where I choose no to stress if life is not going as "smoothly" as it normally does. I had fun playing Uno with my older girls and cuddling with my little ones.
Most of all, I have been amazed by daughter #3 this week. This is a girl that loves life. She can be very distracted at times. For the last year Scott and I have been trying to mold her character to slowdown and think of others needs. There have been moments we wondered if we were getting through. This week God showed us how her heart is turned towards others. She showed great maturity this week as she helped mommy care for everyone. To see how God has used this week in her life makes all the hard work well worth it.
Now everyone is well. No one has ran a fever in over 24 hrs. Yea! The sun has returned to our state. Yea, again! The OU/Texas game is on Saturday. Yea, Yea, and Yea! Normalcy is Back!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Way to go Mr. Rogers
Great job, Mr. Rogers!
He says what so many of us are thinking.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Time to Reminisce
Saturday, October 10, 2009
With In The Word
Wish you could join a Bible study, but you know that you have no time?
Well, guess what, you are in luck!
My mom has been working towards this for a long time. She finally has a website that allows others to see her bible study, follow along, and get some encouraging words.
SO, what are you waiting for?
Go visit to http://withintheword.com .
You will love it!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
There are truths in life that are easy to see. Want to know the truth about raising a two year old? Go to Barnes and Noble and you'll find most anything you want to know. Need to know the details of the prescription you are taking? Just call the pharmacist. Want to know facts on other topics? It's just a click away. We can Google to find answer quickly and easily. Even God's Word has truths that are plain to see. It is a blessing to simple minded people like myself. I have given all my braincells away so that my kids would be smart. I can open up Psalms and find truths about my Creator. In Proverbs I can find what a Godly wife should be like or how to be a wise person. Genesis shares the truth on how the world came into existence. These verses are easy to glean truth from. It is as easy as walking up and picking fruit off of a tree.
There are some truths that you have to dig for like potatoes.
There are other truths that come after you "get your hands dirty". These are the pearls of wisdom that you should search for in your time with the Lord. And when you find these truths, they will be life changing. Ask yourself when was the last time you dug for truth. Unfortunately, we seem to only do this when our life seems to be falling apart. Imagine if you already had some deep truths whenever trials came. You would be armed and ready.
So go on and eat your "fruits and vegetables"--- Soak up those easy truths, and dig for those pieces of wisdom.
What Is That?

Monday, October 5, 2009
You Are Not Alone
Are you willing to take any sales call just for some adult conversation?
Do you feel alone?
Do you feel like no one else has ever felt the way your feeling now?
I'm here to offer you some encouragement. As a mom of many little ones I can remember days when I only had three. They were all so close in age. There were many days that I felt overwhelmed. I saw other moms that were a little further down life's road and thought they had it all put together. But I have come to realize two things. First, they had older ones to help with their many little ones (thankfully I do too now). Second, they did not have it all together. They felt overwhelmed weekly, if not daily, just as you , and I do. So the truth is we all feel overwhelmed, but we all make it through.
How do I make it through?
First, I would encourage you to daily spend time in God's word. He will be your strength, joy and peace. When you start to feel like you're loosing your mind, stop and think "Have I had time with Him today?" I can always tell those days when I told God I was to busy to read His love letter to me. Make this a priority. Dive into His word and get to know Him in a new way. He is the one that has called you to motherhood. He has a plan. Ask Him what His plan is for you and your little ones. Your heart will be softened as you read His word and spend time in prayer.
The next thing I would encourage you to do is to start an exercise routine. Whether you are a size 2 or not, this can help. I don't say this to encourage vanity, but motherhood is a demanding job, you need to be ready for everything. I wish I had started this earlier in my life, but I often poo-pawed it. In the last year, I have made it a part of my morning routine. It is my time to do something for myself. I do it before anyone else is up so I get to watch the show I like, or spend time praying, or even listening to music. All of this starts my day off with a smile. This does mean you will lose some sleep, but "no sleep" is just part of motherhood. Everyone needs to have their own time. Maybe your special time is not exercising, but you need to find something you enjoy. Make time for it!
The last thing is, who is your support group? You must have a support group! Who are those around you that you know will encourage you? Even if they are not on the same path as you, who are those that will let you vent your struggles and call you back to Christ? This is not a one person job, that is why I used the word group. You need ladies around you that have older children. These are the ladies you could seek advise from. Ask them how they survived. Have others whose children are the same age as yours. There can be some real validation from these ladies. You will realize you are not the only one, you are not alone. You should even have those that have younger children than yours. Through them you'll be reminded of how you felt before and made it through. You could be a big encouragement to them.
So remember:
You are doing the greatest job in this world!
Satan wants you to fail!
You are not alone!
Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Fall Decorations
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Most
What I do the most..... laugh.
My answer could be clean or teach, but I laugh far more than anything else in my day. My hubby makes me laugh so hard it turns into the ugly laugh. The side hurting, eyes watering, gasping for air kind of laugh. Our six "squirly" girls are always doing or saying something that interupts all seriousness and sends us rolling on the floor. I think parenting is a comedy routine (just ask Bill Cosby).
What I think about the most...
There is a four way tie on this:
"What time is it?"
What was I about to do?
"Where did that go? "
"I need to add that to the grocery list! "
Years of mothering have left me very forgetful.
What I say the most...
So many things that it is hard to narrow it down. At the top of the list is:
"Use your nice words."
"Time to quick clean."
"Please remember to flush."
"Lets go!"
Around me I see...
A beautiful fall day. Little girls playing outside with frogs. We have had so many frogs lately that we are checking into the plague theory.
At night I hear...
Sure you may not be able to understand a word she is saying, but God does. He knows she is praying for the two frogs she played with earlier. She named them Katie and Jojo. He understands every word she is saying. All I know is that it was so cute I had to get it on film. (What is it about a three year old that is so cute? Everything she does makes us all giggle.)
What is your day like? What are your "mosts"?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Product Review
First, we have the EZ Combs. I found these to be great. I used these for the first time last Sunday. They were very easy to use. It was a quick way to get a beautiful look, and on a Sunday that is very important to me.
I don't think they are strong enough to last very long, but they were cheap enough to replace later. It came with two, one wooden and the other black. Here is Macy and Sadey showing off their new look. They were kind enough to be my models.
The only "problem" is that the packaging says that there is a free online styling video, but I've searched for it and cannot find it. (Quick side note: I did find out that there are many videos on youtube that show how to make lots of cute hairstyles. Being a mom of 6 girls, I was in heaven.)
Overall, I thought these were great. Give them a try and tell me what you think.
The next two products are:
So, maybe they are new to you, but this was an answer to prayer for us. We have had 5 other children that stayed confined to the indoors when told, but #6 is totally different (remember she is the one practicing for her future career as a sky diver). With a pool, even though it is fenced, I could not have her going outside at her choosing. These handle locks were so easy to install. I did not even need any tools. Maybe this will keep her in, I hope.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Indoctrinating Kids
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Have you seen this? It seems like I am hearing more and more about American children being taught the wrong message in school. Sure I knew they were not opening the Bible in class each day, but I was naive enough to think that they were not being indoctrinated. Foolish me! I have said before how I used to pay little attention to the news and what Washington was doing, but that has all changed. Why? I realized things were going on around me that were going to rob my children and grandchildren from some of the freedoms that I hold so dear. I am now "awake" and listening. I am searching out truths in order to protect their future. Next, I am indoctrinating my children. You heard me right. I am indoctrinating them with The Doctrine. My goal is to fill them with so much truth, that they will be able to easily see a lie when it is presented. Not my truth, but His, our heavenly Father. I want them to make scripture their measuring tool. If the facts do not measure up to what scripture says, than it is not truth. I hope that a fire is being stirred up in the hearts of all believers to prepare our children to carry God's word to the next generation. Will there be a Daniel? Will there be a David Livingston? Will there be a Dwight L. Moody? The phrase that changed DL Moody's life was "The world has yet to see what God can do with one man wholly dedicated to Him." Wonder what God could do with six little girls? What could God do with a stay-at-home mom? Great and mighty things, I know for sure! At the end of Mr. Moody's life he said this, "I do not know anything America needs more today than men and women on fire with the Fire of Heaven. Not great men, but true, honest persons, God can use!" He spoke these word over 100 years ago, and how true they still are today. Want to know what will change the future? Our children will. Will we raise men and women on fire for God, or we will let others raise them to worship and praise mere men?
Romans 8:24,25 "For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one also hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it."
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Perfect World
-I wouldn't have to tell my 2yr old to stop spitting on daddy's laptop.
-I would never have a cross or screaming kid in public.
-Laundry would fold itself instead of lying on the floor, mocking me, reminding me that one more job needs to be done.
-My third grader would work without daydreaming or talking. I would not have to remind her again to be diligent.
-All 12 little hands would pick up after themselves.
-The appliances in our house would never break causing more work for everyone.
-There would be more time with my hubby.
-I would get more sleep.
-I would not feel the Holy Spirit reminding me to be more patient.
-Homeschooling would be easy.
-Watching the news would not give me nightmares about my children's future.
-I would be a more creative writer instead of using this blog as therapy.
-My little ones would not be fighting right now (have to pause to make #4,and 5 let #6 in to the playroom).
-The before mentioned playroom would not have so many toys out that it looks like all the toy boxes thew up while no one was watching.
-My house, car, backyard, and garage would always be clean and orderly.
In a perfect world like this I would not call on my Savior each morning to help me with the day to come. I would not ask Him to help me know my children's hearts and how to train them to love Him and others. I would not thank Him when Scott and I get to steal a moment together. I would not have anything to do and would be miserably bored. So I think I'll let my perfect world look like this...
-God what do you want me to do today?
-How do you want me to train/teach?
-Thank you for all that I have to do today. Thank you for the messes that will keep me from being bored.
-Thank you for the Holy Spirit that strengthens me all day long.
What does your perfect world look like?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Foul Ball
Little Girl Tosses Back Foul Ball - Watch more Funny Videos
This is so adorable! The dad's loving reaction is priceless. I guess little girls can really get away with anything!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
My Week
Monday - Home school outing. Had many pep talks with #4 before leaving the house in order to encourage good behavior. It worked, kind of. The outing went well, but lunch with dad after was asking to much. She and #'s 5 &6 had been quiet long enough. I feel like I should say sorry to those in the restaurant. Hopefully they have kids and where understanding. I tried my best, even to the point of letting #6 eat butter with her spoon. Butter is a food group, right? Just ask Paula Deen.
Tuesday - #6 wakes up cross. This had building for 2 days, so I figured it was an ear infection. I packed up the youngest three and headed to the drs. As I am sitting in the room waiting for the dr, the "jr dr" comes in to check little PJ. After telling him of all her symptoms, he precedes to tell me, w/o even looking at her ears, that it didn't sound like she was sick and I was overreacting. Why do some drs question moms? Our real pediatrician came in, examined her and found a double ear infection.
Wednesday - Out the door early to get older 2 to bible study. Came back home and started school with #3. I heard a noise in the kitchen, so went to check it out. I found PJ completely naked grabbing cereal out of the cereal box. To do this she had to first push a heavy chair over to reach the box. Nothing stands in her way. A couple hours later she was practicing for her future career as a sky diver. She jump from the top of the chair and hit the tile. She has a nice bump on her head. Now she has a headache and an earache.
This is only the first three days of this week. I'll leave out the everyday demands of cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking, and bathing little ones. On weeks like this there is only one thing to do, focus on all the blessings around you. So here is my Thankful Thursday list:
1) I am thankful for God and how He hears me cry out during those demanding days. He is the source of my peace, and the One who puts a song in my heart.
2) My awesome hubby. I am thankful that he took the girls to the park the other night and gave me a whole hour of peace. He is so helpful, and always knows just when to step in. He is my best friend and I love every minute with him.
3) My girls and how helpful they are. I love my time with them. I enjoy talking with my older girls and just chilling with them on the couch. Those little ones keep me laughing. I can't even plan for what comes next with them.
4) My mother-in-law and my mom. They are so helpful to me. They sacrifice their own time, to help me accomplish daily activities. Their thoughtfulness can not be measured.
5) My other best friends...my mom and sisters. I love how close we are. I love how we laugh at each others jokes and finish each others stories. I wish we had more time together, but for now I'll take the brief phone calls and occasional lunches.
There is so much more I could say thank you for, but that's it for now. So no matter what the next few days bring, I'm ready for it. I hope you are having a good week, but if yours has been a little crazy like mine, take a minute and count your blessings. You'll find your smile again.
He's the One
He is my whole world. When Scott has to go away, the girls and I know how to manage. I know how to hold down this fort, but it is like I'm doing it with less oxygen. That is the best way I can describe it. When he returns, our whole world is right again.
So how did it all begin? Scott and I met in the ninth grade. Neither of us remember that exact moment, but it wasn't long before we were best friends. We spent the next four years talking every night on the phone and spending our days together in class, never choosing to date. From the beginning if I missed one day of talking to him, the world seemed off. I'm not sure how I didn't see sooner that he's the one.
He is "the one"
.... that makes me laugh. No one is as funny as he is.
.... who I still love holding hands with.
.... with so much wisdom. God has given him girls, but nothing gets over on him.
.... that makes all my dreams come true. All my dreams revolve around us.
I can remember praying for "the one" when I was younger. I prayed for a David that would walk with the Lord. I prayed for a Daniel that would be obedient even if it meant facing giants. I prayed for a Noah that would follow any of God's requests. I prayed for a Paul that understood "the walk" in a deep way. He is all of these.
So when at the young age of 18 he asked me to marry him, I knew he was the one. It took about 5min after the wedding for us to have our first girl. I am pretty sure it was about 5 min between each of the other girls. Time has flown by and now we are coming up on our 14th anniversary.
Our marriage has been like climbing up a mountain. It's a hard climb, but the view is beautiful the whole time. I love this journey we are on. It can be hard sometimes and a blast other times, but it is never boring. I know I can go anywhere as long as he is right there with me.
He is the one forever!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Mom of Toddlers
Do you find small pairs of undies scattered throughout the house (they know how to get them off, but can't put them back on)? If you're like me, you have to do a panty and shoe check before leaving the house to make sure everyone has all they need.
Do you speak a language that others around you can not begin to understand, mostly because the words you are using to represent certain objects do not sound in any way like the correct word for that object (ex. in our house "bum" = blanket)?
Are small toys scattered throughout the house? Do you find yourself, even after cleaning before bed, always stepping on that one small (excruciating) toy as you stumble off to bed?
Can you change sheets in a dark room filled with 3-4 other children and never wake anyone up? possibly not even fully wake up yourself?
Does every black shirt you wear quickly get smeared with snot and every white shirt get smeared with food stains? No color is safe.
Do you open your purse to sign a check only to find that the only writing utensil you have is a broken crayon? (you know, the one lying next to the goldfish crumbs at the bottom of the purse)
Do you carry a small potty in the back of your car because you know they will need to go when there is not a potty in sight?
Can you get a onesie off and a child lifted on to toilet in 2.5 sec (because that is all the warning time you will get from them)?
Do you have these kinds of conversations?
me trying to teach animal sounds: "What does the pig say?"
Caymber: "Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!"
Do you find yourself trying to capture on camera every little adorable thing that they do?
I am guilty of all the above and proud of it. I am the mom of toddlers. It can be challenging to my patience level, but the moments of joy and laughter far out number those challenging times.
They are just TOO cute! Don't believe me? Watch this....
**Please take time on this day of remembrance to consider the cost of freedom. Please tune in to Fox News tomorrow and watch those who have gone to Washington on our behalf to stand up and say enough is enough. If you are in the Okc area, please join me and others on Sunday at 3pm on the steps of the capitol to make your voice heard.**